When analyzing the soundtrack on the
legally blonde opening sequence, it was key to look at
- Diegetic sound
- Non Diegetic sound
- How it fits the genre
Diegetic sound examples
- Fountain (Water) - 0.49
- Bicycle bell – 1.18
- Rambling boys – 1.05
- Girls cheering – 2.05
- Dialogue - 3.06
These are just some examples there is more use of diegetic sound in the sequence. These are key examples because they are used to not only help contextualize the background of the opening sequence but they also make it more realistic. The dialogue used give a clue into the type of character she is aswell as informing the audience quite quickly what is going on in terms of the the good luck card.
Non diegetic sound examples
- Music - "Perfect Day" 3.32 (Length of song)
The type of music used is very upbeat and exciting, it is also a female vocalist which fits the image they are trying to create. The femininity used in this piece is aided by the music as during the intercutting of the sequence, the main character is seen to get ready and this music is seen as what a girl would typically listen to whilst getting ready. The music is also seen to originate from the main character's room. The use of mixing the non diegetic sound and diegetic sound also helps to create the feel of a certain genre in this case it creates a girly chic flick feel.
How it fits the genre
The sound fits the given genre as it conforms to:
- Style - Its upbeat and it fits the style of the genre (Girly)
- Tone - Sets the tone of the film as fun not serious contrasting to the soundtrack in The Notebook
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